Course Plan

four pictures of a black basset hound: 1) head shot, 2) body shot, hugging a rubber duck between front paws, 3) body shot, back legs stretched out behind her, 4) shot from above, her long ears spread out on either side, on a couchThis is Betty Zing (my basset hound). I declare Betty to be our class mascot!

February 5, 2024

All assignments and lessons are linked to this page! This plan is tentative, butbuilding with "Department of Planning" on it, except the "ing" of "planning" is going down the side of the building, due to lack of room along the top it will most likely not change much—except for updated links. You should examine this plan carefully so that you know when things are due. You are responsible for all work (lessons and assignments) linked to this Course Plan!

Optional Read:
Marston, D. (2021). Why we procrastinate. Psychology Today. (2021 June 9).

For every credit hour, students are expected to spend 2 – 3 hours per week working outside of class. For example, for a 3 credit hour class, students should expect to put in 6 – 9 hours per week outside of class, studying or doing assignments. (KSU Protect Your GPA)

Week 1: January 12 to January 18

Week 2: January 19 to January 25

Week 3: January 26 to February 1

Week 4: February 2 to February 8

Week 5: February 9 to February 15 

Week 6: February 16 to February 22 

Week 7:  February 23 to March 1

Week 8: March 2 to March 8

SPRING BREAK: March 9 to March 15

black basset hound laying on the grass, tongue hanging out (happy)

Week 9: March 16 to March 22

Week 10: March 23 to March 29

Week 11: March 30 to April 5

Week 12: April 6 to April 12

Week 13: April 13 to April 19

  • Meet in Class: April 16 (Wednesday), 11:00-12:15
  • WRITING WORKSHOP BEGINS (Assignment available soon!)

Week 14: April 20 to April 26

Week 15: April 27 to May 3

  • Meet in Class: April 30 (Wednesday), 11:00-12:15

Week 16: May 4 to May 10

May 9, 2024 (11:59pm, EST)

two pictures of black basset hound rolling her eyes: 1) upward, 2) toward the side