Spring 2025 Course Plan
SPRING BREAK: March 9 to March 15

WEEK 1: March 16 to March 22
- March 17: First Day of Class
- March 18: Last Day to Add the Class
- March 22: Last Day to Drop the Class
- Lesson 1: Introduction to the Writing Process & Screenplay Format
- Lesson 2: Act Structure
WEEK 2: March 23 to March 29
- March 24: Journal #1 DUE
- March 29: Scenario DUE
- Lesson 3: Character Development
- Lesson 4: Research Methods
WEEK 3: March 30 to April 5
- March 31: Journal #2 DUE
- April 5: Character Study DUE
- Lesson 5: Narrative Storytelling Devices
- Lesson 6: Writing Effective Dialogue and Action
WEEK 4: April 6 to April 12
- April 7: Journal #3 DUE
- April 12: Outline DUE
WEEK 5: April 13 to April 19
- April 16: Last Day to Withdraw (“W”)
- April 14: Journal #4 DUE
- April 19: Beat Sheet DUE
WEEK 6: April 20 to April 26
- April 21: Journal #5 DUE
- April 26: Draft Script Pages DUE
WEEK 7: April 27 to May 3
WEEK 8: May 4 to May 10
- May 4: Remembrance Day
- May 4: Classes End
- May 9: Polished Script Pages DUE